Name: Han Hyo Joo
Korean Name: 한효주
Birthdate: February 22, 1987
Birthplace: Cheongju, South Korea
Blood Type: A
Height: 170cm (5'7")
Weight: 48kg (106 lbs)
Shoe size: 250 (Size 8 in USA)
Nicknames: CF Princess, Insang-nyeo (Impressive Girl), Hyo, Katie, Chi Hua Hua (치아와) & Han Taeng Deung (한탱등)
Talents: Telling fairy tales, Piano, Writing, Running, Fencing
Hobbies: Singing, Watching Movies, Writing, Practice acting, Playing piano, Listening to music, Reading, etc.
Favorite Color: Pink
Ideal Man: Someone who is very enthusiastic about his work, and whom she can rely on.
Education: Yullyang Middle School - Cheongju Girl's High School - Bulgok High School - Dongguk University
Entertainment Company: BH Entertainment
Filmography & Awards
* [MBC] Dong Yi (2010) - Choi Sook Bin
* [KBS] Soul Special (2009) - Jin Mia
* [SBS] Brilliant Legacy/Shining Inheritance (2009) - Go Eun Sung
* [SBS] Iljimae (2008) - Eun Chae
* [KBS] As Much as Heaven and Earth (2007) - Suk Ji Soo
* [KBS] Spring Waltz (2006) - Park Eun Young
* [MBC] New Nonstop 5 (2004) - Han Hyo Joo
* Heaven's Postman (2009) - Saki/Jo Hana
* My Dear Enemy (2008) - Cameo Appearance (Woman at the bus stop/Voice on the phone)
* Ride Away (2008) - Lim Ha Jung
* Ad-Lib Night (2006) - Bo Kyung
* My Boss, My Teacher (2006) - Yoo Mi Jung
* Non Smoking (2005)
* Crencia (2005)
* Han Game (2005)
* Pizza Hut (2005)
* CYOU (2006)
* Ensure Traffic Order Campaign (2006)
* Green Time (2006) - [1] [2]
* Enprani (2006)
* Korean Air Force (2008)
* Samchuly (2008)
* Maxim Coffee (2008)
* Korean Air (2008) [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
* Baskin Robbins (2009) [Cappuccino Blast] [Fruit Blast]
* Jambangee (2009)
* LG Soom/SU:M (Breathe) 37' (2009) [15"A] [15" B] [30"]
* Viki (2009)
* Samsung VLUU (2009) [15"A] [15"B] [30"]
* Nongshim (2009)
* South Korea's representative for Lacoste (2009)
* Cello (2009)
* Kia Soul (2009)
Video Model.
* "사랑해요" ("I Love You") by Simply Sunday (2004)
* "그대가 세상에 있는 것 만으로" ("Renaissance") by Position (2005)
* "Paris" by Epik High (2005)
* "이별은" ("Farewell is..") by U (2006)
* "남잔 다 그래" by Lee Woo Sang (2008)
* "헤어져" ("Break up") by As One (2009)
* "사랑한단 말을 못해서" ("Because I Couldn't Say that I Love You") by K.Will (2009)
* "너 정말이니" ("Are You Serious? ") by Rumble Fish (2009)
* "왈칵눈물이" ("Sudden Burst of Tears") by Han Hyo Joo (feat. Gan-D) (2009)
* "Tree" by Kwon Jin Won (2006)
* "Close to Heaven" by Shin Seung Hun (2008) [1] [2]
* "Men Are All Like That" by Lee Sang Woo (2009)
* "Apart" by As One (2009)
* "Love is Punishment" by K.Will (2009)
* "They Can't Love" by K.Will (2009)
* 1st Runner-Up for a clothing company Model Selection Contest (2003)
* Winner for The 9th Binggrae Smile Pageant (2003)
* Popular Songs' (SBS Inki Gay) MC (2005-06)
* 26th Korean Screen Critics Award - Best Female Newcomer, Ad-lib Night (2006)
* 20th Singapore International Film Festival - Best Actress, Ad-lib Night (2007)
* Korea's Best Dressed Award (2007)
* KBS Drama Acting Awards - Popularity Award (2007)
* KBS Drama Acting Awards - Best Couple Award with Park Hae Jin (2007)
* SBS Drama Award - New Star "Iljimae" (2008)
* MNet 20's Choice Awards - Hot Female Drama Star (2009)
* SBS Drama Awards - Best Couple with Lee Seung Gi / Best Actress for Special Production Dramas / Top 10 Stars Award (Brilliant Legacy) (2009)
* 5th Seoul Drama Awards- Hallyu Star Female Actress (Brilliant Legacy) (2010)
* Korea Drama Festival - Best Actress (Dong Yi) (2010)
* MBC Drama Awards - Female Popularity Award / Daesang (Dong Yi) (2010)
* 47th Baeksang Art Awards - Best TV Actress (Dong Yi) (2011)
selain jadi model , ternyata fotografer juga ya :D
Nah ini foto-foto Han Hyo Joo saat pemotretan di majalah InStyle

Random Facts ♥ ☆ :
* She was first discovered at a teenage beauty pageant.
* Frequent in Korean, Japanese and English.
* Has sang for 3 soundtracks: New Nonstop 5, Ride Away and Soul Special.
* Feels maternal over her younger brother.
* Has a very close relationship with her grandmother.
* She moved to Seoul by herself during her 2nd year in high school..
* She enjoys watching indie films and listening to indie music.
* Loves to play the acoustic guitar
* Sometimes wakes up to a bloody nose because she'll roll out of bed while sleeping, and would later on climb back into bed.
* Has an "ullzang mom"
* States that she has never had plastic surgery, but is not against it.
* Her father was a Korean Air Force personnel while her mom was a kindergarten teacher.
* When she was younger, she would steal her dad's razor to shave off her mustache.
* Her celebrity crush is So Ji Sub, and wishes to go traveling with him.
* Her drinking capacity is half a bottle of wine or 3-4 shots of soju.
* She bought her mom a new car with the money she earned after debuting.
* Has a group of 6 friends, and with her, they form the 7 teng. They call each other by their surnames so Hyo Joo is Han-teng.
* She's Choi Minhwan's (from F.T. Island) ideal girl.
* Ueda Tatsuya of the famous Japanese boy group, KAT-TUN, wishes to meet her.
* She used to room with Ivy and Block for 3 years.
* Considered giving up on acting when Spring Waltz didn't do as well as expected in South Korea.
* She used to be extremely camera shy until veteran actress Kim Hae Sook gave her advice that helped her overcome her fears.
* Has a chihuahua named Mongdoongie.
* She was first discovered at a teenage beauty pageant.
* Frequent in Korean, Japanese and English.
* Has sang for 3 soundtracks: New Nonstop 5, Ride Away and Soul Special.
* Feels maternal over her younger brother.
* Has a very close relationship with her grandmother.
* She moved to Seoul by herself during her 2nd year in high school..
* She enjoys watching indie films and listening to indie music.
* Loves to play the acoustic guitar
* Sometimes wakes up to a bloody nose because she'll roll out of bed while sleeping, and would later on climb back into bed.
* Has an "ullzang mom"
* States that she has never had plastic surgery, but is not against it.
* Her father was a Korean Air Force personnel while her mom was a kindergarten teacher.
* When she was younger, she would steal her dad's razor to shave off her mustache.
* Her celebrity crush is So Ji Sub, and wishes to go traveling with him.
* Her drinking capacity is half a bottle of wine or 3-4 shots of soju.
* She bought her mom a new car with the money she earned after debuting.
* Has a group of 6 friends, and with her, they form the 7 teng. They call each other by their surnames so Hyo Joo is Han-teng.
* She's Choi Minhwan's (from F.T. Island) ideal girl.
* Ueda Tatsuya of the famous Japanese boy group, KAT-TUN, wishes to meet her.
* She used to room with Ivy and Block for 3 years.
* Considered giving up on acting when Spring Waltz didn't do as well as expected in South Korea.
* She used to be extremely camera shy until veteran actress Kim Hae Sook gave her advice that helped her overcome her fears.
* Has a chihuahua named Mongdoongie.
[2003] Han Hyo Joo 100Q&A
Source: T.E.A.
Translations: HJ International
Always put links back to the source and translations.
1.이름 : 한효주
Name: Han Hyo Joo
2.생일 : 87.2.22
Birthday: 22.02.87
3.사는곳 :
Living location:
4.배우고싶은 악기 :악기는 거의다 다루지만, 꼭 뽑는다믄 플룻
Musical instrument that you want to learn: I can play most of them. If I must pick one, I would choose flute.
5.키 :170
Height: 170 cm
6.지금 먹구싶은 음식 : 김치찌개
Food that you want to eat now: Kimchi stew
7.좋아하는 음식 : 맵고짠거!비빔밥,감자탕
Favorite food: Spicy and salty food! Bibim Bab (Boiled rice with assorted mixtures), Potato stew
8.싫어하는 음식 : 보신탕
Disliked food: dogmeat stew
9.좋아하는 연예인 : 신하균(연예인중 그렇게 열광적으로 좋아해본 사람은 없다)
Favorite entertainer: Sin Ha Gyun (There’s no entertainer that I especially prefer)
10.잘하는 음식: 김치볶음밥
Dishes that you do well: Fried rice with Kimchi
11.이상형은? : 착한사람. 호감가는 사람. 나에게 관심있어 해주는 사람.
Your ideal man: Kindhearted and prepossessing person who cares of me.
12.외모는? : 그냥 정말 못생기지만 않으면!
Your appearance? Not bad.
13.노래 18번곡 : 김종서(실연)
Song that you’ve sung 18 times: Kim Jong Seo ( Broken heart )
14.첫사랑 :
First love:
15.첫키스 :
First kiss:
16.잘보는 프로그램 : 올인,(미니시리즈는 자주 봐요)
Program that you think good: All in ( I often watch dramas )
17.좋아하는 꽃 : 물망초, 안개꽃
Favorite flowers: Foget-me-not, Gypsophila
18.신발사이즈 : 250
Shoes size: 250
19.스트레스 해소법은? : 문잠궈놓고 음악 크게 틀어놓고 막 울기, 애들이랑 수다떨기
The way that you relieve your stresses: Listening to music in full volume. Chatting with kids.
20.시력 : 0.4,0.5
Eyesight: 0.4,0.5
21.결혼하고픈 나이 :30
Age for marriage: 30
22.좋아하는 말: 네멋대로해라
Favorite words: Do what you please.
23.좋아하는 과일 : 포도
Favorite fruit: Grapes
24.좋아하는 색 : 바다색
Favorite color: Color of the sea
25.최근 가장 뿌듯한 일 : 음, 다음에 내 카페가 생긴일
Recently, what makes you the happiest? My Daum Cafe things.
26.아끼는 물건 : 잘때 꼭 안고 자는 곰인형
Thing that you cherish: The Teddy bear that I sleep with
27.갑자기 하고 싶은말 : 앗싸
Words you suddenly want to say: Oh Yeah (A sa)
28.가장 기억나는 영화 : 봄날은 간다
The most memorized movie: Spring days come
29.지금 막 생각나는 사람 : 친구들
Persons whom you think of now: Friends
30.10년 후의 자신의 모습은? : 글쎄, 그때가봐야지 알수있겠지 나의 모습은
What will you be after 10 years? Then let’s wait and see what I will be at that time.
31.자신의 장점 : 나와 친해졌던 사람들은 다시금 나를 부른다. 매일 웃는다
My strong point: Get along well with others. Smile everyday
32.자신의 단점 : 예민하다
My shortcoming: Oversensitive
33.존경하는 사람 : 엄마 아빠
Respected persons: Father, Mother
34.생일 선물로 받구 싶은것 : 강아지 (동물 무지 좋아해>_<)
Birthday gift that you want: A Puppy ( I love animals so much>_< )
35.세상을 살아가는 이유 : 내가 태어났고, 이왕 태어난거 세상사람들에게 나를 남기려고,
Reason for live: Since I was born, I should leave self-worth to the world.
36.가입된카페가있는가요?(구체적으루) : 미스빙그레들 가입하는 카페(아유레디미스빙그레), 내 친구들 카페, 연예인들 카페, 강아지를 사랑하는 사람들의 모임
Do you visit cafes that you’ve sighed in? Yes. Miss Binggeures’ cafe, my friends’ cafe, entertainers’ cafe, love puppy people’s meeting
37.취미 : 노래부르기, 영화보기, 글쓰기, 연기연습하기, 피아노치기, 노래듣기, 책읽기,등등등
Hobbies: Singing, watching the movie, writing, practicing the acting skills, playing the piano, listening to the music, reading, etc.
38.특기 : 구연동화, 피아노, 글쓰기, 달리기, 검도;;
Talents: Oral narration of fairy tales, playing the piano, writing, running, fencing
39.버릇 : 글쎄, 그렇게 큰 버릇은 없다.
Habit: No special habit
40.사랑하는 사람에게 해주고 싶은것 : 밥
What do you want to give to your lover: Rice (Cooking)
41.사랑하는 사람에게 받구 싶은것 : 사랑
What do you want to receive from your lover: Love
42.사랑하는 사람이랑 하고 싶은것 : 같이 바다로 여행가기
What do you want to do with your lover? Sea voyage
44.좋아하는 동물 : 동물은 정말 다 좋아한다.
Favorite animal: I really love all animals
45.지금 입고 있는 옷차림 : 교복;;
What do you wear now? School uniform
46.가장 꼴불견이라고 생각되는 사람 : 거짓말 하는사람, 겉과속이 다른사람,내숭떠는사람
Persons whom you dislike: Liar, person who think >_<
Staying out for over a night: Sleep at friend’s home because of study…prepare for exams. Just sleeping.
58.가출 경험 : 없다
Experience of disappearance from home: Never
59.직업 : 학생
Profession: Student
60.좋아하는 가수나 밴드: 자우림
Favorite singer or band: Jaurim
61.무서워하는것 : 귀신
Thing that you fear of: Ghost
62.기억에 남는 선물: 강아지
Most impressed gift: Puppy
63.갑자기 하고픈 말 :
Words you suddenly want to say:
64.자신이 사랑하는 사람과 자신을 사랑해주는 사람이 있다면 어떻게 할 것인가?? : 내가 사랑하는 사람과 사랑할래, 결혼할거 아니니까!
If you meet a person whom you love and a person who loves you, what will you do? For me, love the person whom I love. But the marriage is another thing.
65.약속시간때 최고로 기다려 본시간 : 1시간
What was the longest time that you waited for a date? 1 hour
66.제일 기억남는일 :
67.제일 기억나는 사람 :
68.취침시간 : 불규칙 대충12~3시사이-_-;;
Time to sleep: Between 12 o’clock to 3 o’clock sleep.gif;;
69.좋아하는 말..: 천재는 1%의영감과 99%의 노력으로 만들어진다
Favorite words: A genius is from 1% inspiration and 99% efforts.
70.거울앞에 서면 생각나는 단어 : 흐음
What will you say when you are in front of a mirror? Heum
71.심심할때 혼자서 주로 하는 일(짓): 영화보거나 노래듣기
What do you do when you are bored? Listening to the music or watching the movie.
72.좋아하는 게임 : 테트리스
Favorite game: Tetris
73.남자나 여자를 만나면 먼저 가는곳 : 밥먹으러!
What will they do firstly when a man and a woman date? Have a dinner
74.현재 삶의 만족도는? : 65%
How much do you satisfy your actual life: 65%
75.성격은? : 발랄,활발,책임감있지만.....쪼금 예민한 편이라는 소릴 듣는다
Characters? Lively, active, responsible, a little sensitive
76.가족관계 : 엄마 아빠 남동생 나
Family members: Father, Mother, Younger brother and I
77.좋아하는 사람이 화내면 : 화가 풀어질때까지 그냥 두기
If your lover is angry: I’ll leave him along until he feels better.
78.좋아하는 사람이 헤어지자구 하면 : 깨끗하게 헤어지고, 아파하겠지
If your lover wants to seperate: Part in a clean manner, though I may feel heartache.
79.무인도에 갈때 꼭 가져갈것 3가지 : 가족,친구,불
Three things that you will take with if you go to a solitary island? Family, friend, and fire.
80.사랑하는 이가 떠났을때 느낌? : 글쎄...
How do you feel when your lover is gone? Who knows?
81.이거 쓰고 할일 : 학교숙제!
What are you writing now? Homework
82.기억나는 CF : 메타콘, 내가 아는사람들이 나와서
Memorized CF: Metakon, People whom I know have come.
83.별명 : 치아와, 한탱등
Nickname: Chi A Hua, Han Taeng Deung
84.옆에 있는 물건 : 먹을 음식
What’s beside you? Food
85.가장 기억남는 사이트/프로그램 :
86.지금 입고있는 옷 :
87.지금 제일 갖구싶은 것 :
88.즐기는 스포츠 : 달리기,검도(운동 좋아해요 많이 하진 못해도 시간때문에)
Favorite sports: Running, Fencing ( I love sports but can’t do many exercises because of busy schedule)
89.지금 머리 스타일 : 단발
Actual hair style: Short hair
90.좋아하는 계절 : 겨울
Favorite season: Winter
91.가방안에 들어있는것 : 책
What’s in your bag: Book
92.꼭 가보고 싶은 곳이나 살고 싶은 곳: 배산임수지역
Place that you want to go or live: Somewhere with mountains and waters
93.자신이 구두쇠라고 생각할 때 : 없는데!
What’s the moment that you feel yourself as a miser? Never.
94.제일싫어하는스타일: 센스없는.
Style that you dislike: those which have no sense.
95.몇살까지 살고 싶은지 : 음, 하느님이 데려갈때까지
How long do you want to live? As God arranges
96.나중에 만나고픈 사람 :
Person whom you want to meet in the future:
97.추천할만한 음식 : 감자탕
Your recommended food: Potato stew
98.기억남는 여행 : 태국여행
Memorized voyage: Voyage in Thailand
99.노래방가면 꼭 부르는 노래 : 베이비복스노래,자우림노래,박기영 노래,장나라 노래,등등
Songs that you will surely sing in Karaoke: Baby Vox’ songs, Jaurim’s songs, Park Ki Young’s songs, Jang Na Ra’s songs,
100.마지막으로 하고싶은말? : 앞으로 내인생이 창창했음 좋겠다
Last words that you want to say: My life will be better in the future.
[2003] Han Hyo Joo 100Q&A
Source: T.E.A.
Translations: HJ International
Always put links back to the source and translations.
1.이름 : 한효주
Name: Han Hyo Joo
2.생일 : 87.2.22
Birthday: 22.02.87
3.사는곳 :
Living location:
4.배우고싶은 악기 :악기는 거의다 다루지만, 꼭 뽑는다믄 플룻
Musical instrument that you want to learn: I can play most of them. If I must pick one, I would choose flute.
5.키 :170
Height: 170 cm
6.지금 먹구싶은 음식 : 김치찌개
Food that you want to eat now: Kimchi stew
7.좋아하는 음식 : 맵고짠거!비빔밥,감자탕
Favorite food: Spicy and salty food! Bibim Bab (Boiled rice with assorted mixtures), Potato stew
8.싫어하는 음식 : 보신탕
Disliked food: dogmeat stew
9.좋아하는 연예인 : 신하균(연예인중 그렇게 열광적으로 좋아해본 사람은 없다)
Favorite entertainer: Sin Ha Gyun (There’s no entertainer that I especially prefer)
10.잘하는 음식: 김치볶음밥
Dishes that you do well: Fried rice with Kimchi
11.이상형은? : 착한사람. 호감가는 사람. 나에게 관심있어 해주는 사람.
Your ideal man: Kindhearted and prepossessing person who cares of me.
12.외모는? : 그냥 정말 못생기지만 않으면!
Your appearance? Not bad.
13.노래 18번곡 : 김종서(실연)
Song that you’ve sung 18 times: Kim Jong Seo ( Broken heart )
14.첫사랑 :
First love:
15.첫키스 :
First kiss:
16.잘보는 프로그램 : 올인,(미니시리즈는 자주 봐요)
Program that you think good: All in ( I often watch dramas )
17.좋아하는 꽃 : 물망초, 안개꽃
Favorite flowers: Foget-me-not, Gypsophila
18.신발사이즈 : 250
Shoes size: 250
19.스트레스 해소법은? : 문잠궈놓고 음악 크게 틀어놓고 막 울기, 애들이랑 수다떨기
The way that you relieve your stresses: Listening to music in full volume. Chatting with kids.
20.시력 : 0.4,0.5
Eyesight: 0.4,0.5
21.결혼하고픈 나이 :30
Age for marriage: 30
22.좋아하는 말: 네멋대로해라
Favorite words: Do what you please.
23.좋아하는 과일 : 포도
Favorite fruit: Grapes
24.좋아하는 색 : 바다색
Favorite color: Color of the sea
25.최근 가장 뿌듯한 일 : 음, 다음에 내 카페가 생긴일
Recently, what makes you the happiest? My Daum Cafe things.
26.아끼는 물건 : 잘때 꼭 안고 자는 곰인형
Thing that you cherish: The Teddy bear that I sleep with
27.갑자기 하고 싶은말 : 앗싸
Words you suddenly want to say: Oh Yeah (A sa)
28.가장 기억나는 영화 : 봄날은 간다
The most memorized movie: Spring days come
29.지금 막 생각나는 사람 : 친구들
Persons whom you think of now: Friends
30.10년 후의 자신의 모습은? : 글쎄, 그때가봐야지 알수있겠지 나의 모습은
What will you be after 10 years? Then let’s wait and see what I will be at that time.
31.자신의 장점 : 나와 친해졌던 사람들은 다시금 나를 부른다. 매일 웃는다
My strong point: Get along well with others. Smile everyday
32.자신의 단점 : 예민하다
My shortcoming: Oversensitive
33.존경하는 사람 : 엄마 아빠
Respected persons: Father, Mother
34.생일 선물로 받구 싶은것 : 강아지 (동물 무지 좋아해>_<)
Birthday gift that you want: A Puppy ( I love animals so much>_< )
35.세상을 살아가는 이유 : 내가 태어났고, 이왕 태어난거 세상사람들에게 나를 남기려고,
Reason for live: Since I was born, I should leave self-worth to the world.
36.가입된카페가있는가요?(구체적으루) : 미스빙그레들 가입하는 카페(아유레디미스빙그레), 내 친구들 카페, 연예인들 카페, 강아지를 사랑하는 사람들의 모임
Do you visit cafes that you’ve sighed in? Yes. Miss Binggeures’ cafe, my friends’ cafe, entertainers’ cafe, love puppy people’s meeting
37.취미 : 노래부르기, 영화보기, 글쓰기, 연기연습하기, 피아노치기, 노래듣기, 책읽기,등등등
Hobbies: Singing, watching the movie, writing, practicing the acting skills, playing the piano, listening to the music, reading, etc.
38.특기 : 구연동화, 피아노, 글쓰기, 달리기, 검도;;
Talents: Oral narration of fairy tales, playing the piano, writing, running, fencing
39.버릇 : 글쎄, 그렇게 큰 버릇은 없다.
Habit: No special habit
40.사랑하는 사람에게 해주고 싶은것 : 밥
What do you want to give to your lover: Rice (Cooking)
41.사랑하는 사람에게 받구 싶은것 : 사랑
What do you want to receive from your lover: Love
42.사랑하는 사람이랑 하고 싶은것 : 같이 바다로 여행가기
What do you want to do with your lover? Sea voyage
44.좋아하는 동물 : 동물은 정말 다 좋아한다.
Favorite animal: I really love all animals
45.지금 입고 있는 옷차림 : 교복;;
What do you wear now? School uniform
46.가장 꼴불견이라고 생각되는 사람 : 거짓말 하는사람, 겉과속이 다른사람,내숭떠는사람
Persons whom you dislike: Liar, person who think >_<
Staying out for over a night: Sleep at friend’s home because of study…prepare for exams. Just sleeping.
58.가출 경험 : 없다
Experience of disappearance from home: Never
59.직업 : 학생
Profession: Student
60.좋아하는 가수나 밴드: 자우림
Favorite singer or band: Jaurim
61.무서워하는것 : 귀신
Thing that you fear of: Ghost
62.기억에 남는 선물: 강아지
Most impressed gift: Puppy
63.갑자기 하고픈 말 :
Words you suddenly want to say:
64.자신이 사랑하는 사람과 자신을 사랑해주는 사람이 있다면 어떻게 할 것인가?? : 내가 사랑하는 사람과 사랑할래, 결혼할거 아니니까!
If you meet a person whom you love and a person who loves you, what will you do? For me, love the person whom I love. But the marriage is another thing.
65.약속시간때 최고로 기다려 본시간 : 1시간
What was the longest time that you waited for a date? 1 hour
66.제일 기억남는일 :
67.제일 기억나는 사람 :
68.취침시간 : 불규칙 대충12~3시사이-_-;;
Time to sleep: Between 12 o’clock to 3 o’clock sleep.gif;;
69.좋아하는 말..: 천재는 1%의영감과 99%의 노력으로 만들어진다
Favorite words: A genius is from 1% inspiration and 99% efforts.
70.거울앞에 서면 생각나는 단어 : 흐음
What will you say when you are in front of a mirror? Heum
71.심심할때 혼자서 주로 하는 일(짓): 영화보거나 노래듣기
What do you do when you are bored? Listening to the music or watching the movie.
72.좋아하는 게임 : 테트리스
Favorite game: Tetris
73.남자나 여자를 만나면 먼저 가는곳 : 밥먹으러!
What will they do firstly when a man and a woman date? Have a dinner
74.현재 삶의 만족도는? : 65%
How much do you satisfy your actual life: 65%
75.성격은? : 발랄,활발,책임감있지만.....쪼금 예민한 편이라는 소릴 듣는다
Characters? Lively, active, responsible, a little sensitive
76.가족관계 : 엄마 아빠 남동생 나
Family members: Father, Mother, Younger brother and I
77.좋아하는 사람이 화내면 : 화가 풀어질때까지 그냥 두기
If your lover is angry: I’ll leave him along until he feels better.
78.좋아하는 사람이 헤어지자구 하면 : 깨끗하게 헤어지고, 아파하겠지
If your lover wants to seperate: Part in a clean manner, though I may feel heartache.
79.무인도에 갈때 꼭 가져갈것 3가지 : 가족,친구,불
Three things that you will take with if you go to a solitary island? Family, friend, and fire.
80.사랑하는 이가 떠났을때 느낌? : 글쎄...
How do you feel when your lover is gone? Who knows?
81.이거 쓰고 할일 : 학교숙제!
What are you writing now? Homework
82.기억나는 CF : 메타콘, 내가 아는사람들이 나와서
Memorized CF: Metakon, People whom I know have come.
83.별명 : 치아와, 한탱등
Nickname: Chi A Hua, Han Taeng Deung
84.옆에 있는 물건 : 먹을 음식
What’s beside you? Food
85.가장 기억남는 사이트/프로그램 :
86.지금 입고있는 옷 :
87.지금 제일 갖구싶은 것 :
88.즐기는 스포츠 : 달리기,검도(운동 좋아해요 많이 하진 못해도 시간때문에)
Favorite sports: Running, Fencing ( I love sports but can’t do many exercises because of busy schedule)
89.지금 머리 스타일 : 단발
Actual hair style: Short hair
90.좋아하는 계절 : 겨울
Favorite season: Winter
91.가방안에 들어있는것 : 책
What’s in your bag: Book
92.꼭 가보고 싶은 곳이나 살고 싶은 곳: 배산임수지역
Place that you want to go or live: Somewhere with mountains and waters
93.자신이 구두쇠라고 생각할 때 : 없는데!
What’s the moment that you feel yourself as a miser? Never.
94.제일싫어하는스타일: 센스없는.
Style that you dislike: those which have no sense.
95.몇살까지 살고 싶은지 : 음, 하느님이 데려갈때까지
How long do you want to live? As God arranges
96.나중에 만나고픈 사람 :
Person whom you want to meet in the future:
97.추천할만한 음식 : 감자탕
Your recommended food: Potato stew
98.기억남는 여행 : 태국여행
Memorized voyage: Voyage in Thailand
99.노래방가면 꼭 부르는 노래 : 베이비복스노래,자우림노래,박기영 노래,장나라 노래,등등
Songs that you will surely sing in Karaoke: Baby Vox’ songs, Jaurim’s songs, Park Ki Young’s songs, Jang Na Ra’s songs,
100.마지막으로 하고싶은말? : 앞으로 내인생이 창창했음 좋겠다
Last words that you want to say: My life will be better in the future.
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